Sunday, 15 November 2015

Libby gets a special prize

Something very special happened in Room 3 today!  Libby finished her Reading Log.  At Owairaka School, when you have completed your Reading Log, Miss Whysall comes and gives a special certificate and a prize.  We loved Miss Whysall's Elmo bag!  We are all working hard to do our reading every night and to fill out our Reading Logs so that we can get a prize too!


Thursday, 12 November 2015

Athletics Day Fun

It was Athletics Day yesterday.  We were worried it would be cancelled because the weather forecast said it would Rain, Rain, Rain!  Luckily, it was perfect weather.  Here are some photos that Mrs Ashe took.  

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Green Day!

Today is Green Day at Owairaka School.  We started Green Day with an assembly.  We sat so beautifully!  After assembly we went out with Room 1 to pick up rubbish and weed the Butterfly Garden.  Did you know we had a Butterfly Garden?  If you don't know where it is you can ask the children in Room 3.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Today in writing we played with playdough!  The playdough started out white but when we squished the playdough it changed colour!  We then wrote about the playdough.  We used exciting words like "squishy" and "amazing".  We are very clever writers in Room 3.  You can come in and see our writing books ANY time.

 Felix could hardly believe his eyes when his playdough turned blue.

When Jarvis squeezed his playdough, it turned red!

Isaac tried to guess what colour his playdough would turn.

We have lots of clever writers in Room 3.

Discovery Time with Room 7

On Thursdays we have Discovery Time.  We were so happy to find out that Room 7 will now come and do Discovery Time with us.  We loved seeing our friends from Room 7!  Miss Morgan was VERY EXCITED to see them.

Word books

Today we made word books.  We wrote all of the words we can read.  We were very proud of all of the words we can now read and write.  Aren't we clever!

Samantha wrote lots of words in her word book and drew some pictures to illustrate her book.

Milan wrote lots of words that he knew.  

"Stop" said Antu.  "I am not ready for you to take my photo!"

"Now you can take my photo."

Monday, 2 November 2015

Music with Janina

We were very lucky today because Janina came in and did another music session with us.  Today she brought a french horn for us to try.  We had to use buzzy lips to make the french horn work.  What a fun day of learning we have had!







Sunday, 1 November 2015


We sing lots of songs to help us learn the name and sounds of all of the letters of the alphabet.  Here is a link to one of our favourite songs.  Maybe you could learn it at home!

Handwriting in Room 3

In Room 3, we do handwriting every day!  We are learning to hold our pencil correctly, write on the line and correctly form the letters.  Today we are learning all about the letter n!

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Room 7

Some of the children are moving to a new class next week.  They will  be in Room 7 with the fantastic and fabulous Mrs Allison.  Today they went on a visit to see their new classroom.  What fun!

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Spring flowers

We have been learning all about Spring.  We took some spring flowers and did a science experiment.  We put some white flowers in a vase of blue dye and a vase of red dye.  The flowers turned the colour of the dye!!  We now have some blue flowers and some red flowers.  Come in and see them!


Here we are looking closely at the flowers with our magnifying glasses.

Mrs Wishy Washy

Our big book this week is Mrs Wishy Washy.  We have had lots of fun pretending to be Mrs Wishy Washy and all of the animals.  Here is Ted and Poppy pretending to be Mrs Wishy Washy.  They are wearing a scarf and an apron, JUST like Mrs Wishy Washy!

Here we are pretending to be the pigs rolling in the mud.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Fairy Judy!

We had a very special visitor this morning.  Do you know who was?  It was Fairy Judy!!!  She came and gave the children who filled in their holiday reading logs a prize and a certificate.