Monday, 9 March 2015

Green Day

 On Friday it was Room 3's very first Green Day!  What a fun day of learning we had.  We started our day in the hall at the Green Day assembly.  Do you like our Green Day hats?
 We met our buddy class for some Green Day activities.  Our buddy class is Room 25.

 We had some visitors dressed up as bee keepers.  They taught us all about bees and collecting honey.  We went for a walk to see our Owairaka bees.
Room 3 is responsible for the Butterfly Garden which is just by our classroom.  It is our job to weed and water this very special garden.

Fun in the sun

We go swimming every Thursday.  Remember to bring your togs! 

A special visitor

We had a very special visitor in Room 3!  Miss Morgan's son came and read us a story. 

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

We are having fun learning all about numbers.  Here we are in our groups doing some very important learning.

Lining up in Room 3

We are very clever in Room 3.  We are learning to line up and walk quietly with our hands behind our backs.  This way, we can walk around the school without disturbing other children's learning.
Welcome to Room 3's blog! We will be blogging regularly so pop by and look at all of the fun things we are learning.